This exquisite ensemble features a pendant intricately designed to depict the beloved deity, Lord Ganesha, known as the remover of obstacles and the harbinger of good fortune. The pendant gracefully hangs from a chain adorned with delicate white beads, symbolizing purity and devotion. Embrace the spiritual essence of Lord Ganesha with this necklace set, perfect for auspicious occasions and as a cherished reminder of divine blessings in your life.
Occasion :Bring your style to a whole new level with this handcrafted piece of jewellery. When you're celebrating a special Occasion : - a birthday, wedding, or personal milestone - this piece adds that extra something that makes us feel special and looking our best.
Material & Care
Dimension : Necklace : 60 cm Earrings : 6 cm
Material : Brass
Care Label : It is advisable to avoid contact with water and organic chemicals i.e. perfume sprays. Store jewellery in airtight box. After use, wipe the jewellery with soft